
Wednesday, 1 July 2015


Image result for sunsmartJunior and Richard also Judah) The sun is so hot. This means you will need a hat to cover your face and sunscreen on your skin to stop you from getting burnt. These are the two really important things that you will need if it's summer.
Image result for sunsmart

If you want to be sunsmart then you will need a hat. Hats are really good because it will protect your face from the burning sun. Especially one with a wide brim. A hat is really important because you might get skin cancer and skin cancer mostly happens on your faces and your neck then any parts of your body.

Another way to stay safe is to put on some sunscreen. The sun is dangerous so you will have to watch out.Sunscreen is really good to put on your skin because it protects your skin from getting burnt. The best one to use is SPF30+ because it gives you less sunburn.It is best to use it when it is summer.

lastly put on some sunglasses. Put on sunglasses to protect your eyes. Sunglasses are really usefull for your eyes because you might get blind. UV radiations can affect your eyesight.You will have to watch out for your eyes.

And don’t forget to slip, slop slap and wrap!!

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