So….Muscles helps you to do everything. Muscles helps you to talk, walk, jump and run. Without muscles you would be so weak you won’t even be able to hold a stick. Our muscle system is made out of tissues that helps us to move our body parts. Without muscles when can out walk, talk, run, jump and smile.
How do you grow your muscles?
What muscle is the strongest?
What is your favorite muscle?
Why muscles are important?
What are muscles?
What are Cardiac muscles?
Cardiac muscles are muscles that keep your heart beeting all day and night. The Heart muscles is also known as the myocardium. Cardium muscles are voluntary muscles that means it works by itself. Your Cardium muscles contracts and relaxes to fill up and pump up blood to the rest of your body.
What are skeletal muscles?
In your body the power and strength comes from a muscles called the skeletal muscle. Skeletal muscle is just one type of muscles. In your body skeletal muscles are attached to your bones and it spread around all the way to your joint. Your muscles move your body parts by contracting and relaxing. Conclusion
Muscles is a body tissue that helps you contract and produce movements. All the people in the world have over 600 muscles even if someone looks strong they still have the same amount of muscles. We have three different kinds of muscles and they are smooth muscles, cardiac muscles and skeletal muscles. These muscles give you all kind of abilities. It gives you power, strength and more. Muscles are filled with power, strength and lot’s of energy.
Muscles are really good for you and they help you hold and move every part of your body.
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